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ASP raised over $11,000 for research and for the building of a new, state-of-the-art hospital and patient support building in Toronto, Ontario.


Fundraising over $11,000 for research and building of new hospital for sick children

ASP’s Canine (K9) Division in Canada, part of the ICTS Europe Group, participated in a fundraiser event for Sick Kids Hospital. ASP raised over $11,000 for research and for the building of a new, state-of-the-art hospital and patient support building in Toronto, Ontario.

Twenty-seven ASP K9 teams from across Canada came together to participate in a number of fundraising competitions. The quickest dog team to detect certain odours, and the detection of the most targets, were some of the competitions held.

“The teams had a great time spending time together, training, and raising money. Congratulations to the winning teams, they did a superb job. We are truly looking forward to next year's fundraiser”, said Brad MacRae, Senior Operations Manager, K9 Unit, A.S.P. Security Services.


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