ICTS Europe’s Canadian subsidiary, ASP had the pleasure to secure a top NBA basketball team before their game in downtown Toronto.
NBA basketball team secured by ASP’S K9
ASP provided specialist canine (K9) security services, a service it also provides to Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment (MLSE), a sports and commercial real estate company based in Toronto, which manages the following professional sports teams: Toronto Maple Leafs, Toronto Raptors, Toronto Argos, Toronto FC as well as many special events/concerts, etc.
The K9 services provided included, explosives sweeps of venue, players/artists' locker rooms, patrolling gates and sweeps of unattended bags/vehicles/items or suspicious items etc, throughout the duration of the sporting events / concerts. In addition, ASP is contracted by the airlines that fly the sports teams, to provide explosives detection services prior to leaving Canada.
“It is a great honor to supply services to the MLSE. Our cooperation dates back to 2016. We are looking forward to continuing business collaboration in the future”, said Brad MacRae, Senior Operations Manager, K9 Unit, A.S.P. Security Services.

ICTS Europe’s Canadian subsidiary, ASP had the pleasure to secure a top NBA basketball team before their game in downtown Toronto.
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